November 17, 2011

new page

its not easy to open a new page of your career. especially, if this path is not what you are fond of. lol!

well, i was rolled off from my previous project. my reaction? felt relieved, happy and curious. relieved  because at last, i will no longer be part of "GALIT K?" lol. i know they gave me a lot of unforgettable experiences and memorable lessons but i really think that being rolled off is the best way to move on. happy for new beginnings. LOVE is an understatement for what i usually feel every time i encounter the word START. lol! and curious for only one reason - will there be any other project interested with my ability/skills/capabilities?

well, the answer is YES. and in fact, plenty of them. lol! i ended up with an unfamiliar route. well, let's see how will the winds blow my mind. lol!


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