May 12, 2012

butter and dragon

butterflies and dragonflies are part of my childhood memories. they used to be out playmates when we were kids.

i chase butterflies everywhere. our place used to be filled with santan shrub, yellow bells, orchids and a lot other flowers. yes! its so beautiful! i remember the time when while i am watching them play basketball and ride their bicycles, yellow and white butterflies where all over me. lol! i am do not know how to play basketball or even ride a bike so i just watch them. lol!

i used to create dragonfly rod. its just a plain long stick and attach a rubber band at one end and burn the other end of the rubber band to make it sticky. lol! i put all my collected butterflies in a plastic and watch them from outside. it's so cool! big and small butterflies were everywhere.

to date, it is not usual for us to see butterflies and dragonflies around in our compound. just recently, i saw a couple of plain white butterflies and blue dragonflies. i almost sing, "i remember the days, when you're here with me"...

lol! well, just sharing. despite the development of the modern world, i can still see these two creatures from the wild. yeah!

picture from here.

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