February 03, 2010

one of the best homilies

, last saturday was one of the best eucharist for me. i was so touched with father eric's (polish priest from st. gertrude) homily and i wanted to share a bit of his inspiring words with you!

"do you know why you always work so hard? it's not because you wanted to prove to other people that you are good or the best among your peers, it's because you wanted to prove God that He is wrong. that when something went wrong along your way, you can tell God that you did everything so perfect and He has no reason of doing these bad things to you."

well, i admit it! i suck in terms of rewriting/reitirating what other people are saying. but more or less, i think i got it right. i almost cried when i heard his voice with authority.

i am always like this. working so hard just to prove that i am good. i never realized how a pathetic human being i am. and it's true that there are times that i take judgement to God when something went wrong - WHEN MY PLANS AIN'T WORKING...

in the most unexpected moments, you will really meet people that will somehow touch your life...i am so happy and fulfilled to be with father eric last saturday...


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