September 19, 2010

battle of the books!

Two days of battle! I’ve won this time. Ahaha! So, battle over what? Battle of the Books!

Don’t get me wrong. I super love books. Most of the time I can’t stop myself from buying one. One day I realized that I got so many books that I haven’t read at all. So, what to do is to promise myself not to buy one unless I read all those books being devoured by time and dust in my room. And so far, I am successful.

Going back to what I am saying about the battle that I’ve been through, I spent a couple of hours yesterday at The 31st Manila International Book Fair. Oh my! SMX Convention was filled with books, books and books! Wah! Only if I could stay there forever. Well, I guess I know the answer right? As in “oh my!”, I remembered a friend who’s nangangatog over a couple of 10 dollar shirt @ UCB. LOL! It’s the same feeling! I was super happy but promise is still a promise. And yeah! I did it! That was Day 1.

Day 2 is quite easy. I was supposed to buy cologne and eye cream for myself until I found myself lurking over some books @ NBS here in SMR. Wah! I tried to compose myself and was able to get out of that place.

I may not be happy because I do not have new books but I feel so proud because I conquered myself! Yahoo! 


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