September 25, 2011

feels like a new hire

feels like a new hire...hhaayy...i’m out of office for one month and i was quite surprised that i missed our office. i sover miss my teammates, my manager, my enemies and everyone – lol! i started the day by reading emails, reading emails and reading emails. i do not know my tasks. officially, i am part of indian resource. and you wanna know my reaction? lol! i am excited.

one of the hundred emails that i got in my inbox was an invitation for a meeting later tonight. Hhhmmm...first day of work and first meeting – time: 9.00 PM MNL. i should be used on these. lol!

meeting went well and the thing that i love most is working from home. my manager told me that he really doesn’t care if i work in the office or not. as in!

looking forward for work from homes!


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