September 04, 2011

pilgrimage to madrid v.08

today is the eucharist with the holy father. i remember him saying that..."we cannot be christian alone, we need the community" is in spanish so my translation is a little vague. =) . this is the time when i feel that the earth is calling me. lol! wwahhh! i'm gonna go to the portalets to take away everything.

meanwhile, early in the morning. we (claro and dante) went to the water station to get some water. also, claro and i went to the food station to buy some drinks to warm our stomach. nesquick lang ang choice so, go with the nesquick. =) . i bought two donuts dahil sawa na talaga ako dun sa tinapay nila at palaman na di ko gusto. lol!

picture of the phil flag with the pope sa big screen...

after the mass, its time to go. actually, yung iba kahit nag-sisimula pa lang yung homily ay nag-uuwian na. since, we are more than a million peeps, we need to wait for other folks to get out of cuatro vientos. so it took us a while. katawa kasi 12 pm na halos nung palabas kami. it was a long walk and of course. mainit pa rin. lol! as usual, i have the cross and feels so exhausted. pero i still have a strong finish. as in STRONG. lol!


we had our communion sa church, then off to go to esther's and alfonso's house. pagdating sa bahay, ligo at relax. yun yung ginawa ko. usap ng konti. they (esther and alfonso) bought some pizzas. then napag-usapan na kasama pala sa group namin si Bong Lazo - one fashion icon. nabigla lang ako. tapos parang nauwi yung usapan sa expectations sa mga bakla, someone from the Filipino group blew an off comment saying - "is it because you can relate to them?". got offended so shut up na lang ako. bad day for me so maaga akong natulog. sayang oras ko sa mga taong yun. 


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