January 19, 2012

best of the best for 2011 v.01

5 best places i visited for 2011:

a. Pagudpod, Ilocos Norte - i do not like going to the beach - probably because of my insecurities - but i super love pagudpod. it's one of the best places where you can be what you are. quiet and solemn with just the waves and the winds to talk to. 
b. Madrid, Spain - madrid is one unique place. a person never been to this place would say that possible reason is that their culture is different. but for me, it's the ambiance. it's beautiful. dazzling. with - of course - a twist of any developed countries have - (can't reveal).  
c. Toledo, Spain - toledo reminds me so much of two places - san francisco because of it's hills and san jose because of it's unique air. it's like i am back to medieval times. the buildings are old but the people will give you an idea that you are in @ 2011. it's hills are so hard to resist. awesome. 
d. Avila, Spain - this is another place with a medieval setting. what makes this so unique for me? the walls, the gates and the architecture. simply breathtaking. its like intramuros on the 99th power. lol!
e. Vigan, Ilocos Sur - vigan simply captured me. that's it. it's beautiful and cool. 

5 best new acquaintance for 2011:

a. chip allen - he's not just a source of laughter but powerhouse of words that you'll admire. he's one of the managers that you can feel his sincerity. he's not just concerned with the project but to the people most especially. 
b. alfonso and esther - their dedication to accomodate people during JMJ is awesome. we stayed in their  house for a couple of days and stayin' in madrid would have been boring if i did not met them. i simply love this couple.
c. claro and alena ruiz - couple who's opened my world for a vast universe outside my world. lol! i am self-proclaimed anti-social. i do not mingle with other people that easily but this couple made me so much comfortable during JMJ.
d. dante endrano - if i will have someone who i can call as buddy during JMJ, it would have been dante. he's so nice and we almost think of the same way. lol! he's cool yet so simple.
e. father gilbert - he's a new priest on my sight. he's pretty busy with his schedules but he makes sure that we have a saturday eucharist. and with these eucharists, i better understand where is he coming. he's really one of the few good ones.

5 best buddies i have for 2011:
a. albert and dan - my buddies in terms of movie watching. we eat. we laugh. we watch. we share. we listen. it is really nice to have some peeps who can understand you as a guy. lol!
b. rj - my office buddy. i really never thought that we're going to be as close as we are right now. we share each other's secret and our career's goal and aspirations. he's a good friend to me and i am hoping that i am to him. tugs! tugs!
c. father gilbert - i thought he's going to be the last guy that will be on this list for 2011 - but he made it! i love his witty antics, his thoughts and his humility. people might think differently but i am see a future in this priest.
d. kuya bobby and rap rap - they are both close to my heart. they are cool! staying in a community that is full of antagonists is boring without these two guys. lol! antagonists is the term! yeah!
e. florizel - can i include my girlfriend in the list? lol!

5 best movies i've watched for 2011:
a. real steel. this movie is a tear jerker for me. this made me look back few years ago when i hate my dad so much. unfortunately, i cannot go back on those days.
b. sa'yo lamang. a filipino movie which made me realize that life isn't really perfect. i simply love the actors and actresses. this is really a fantastic movie.
c. kung fu panda. awesomeness. lol! this movie is full of fantastic words. the theme and moral of the story is not new but way it was narrated is flawless.
d. the road. the only horror film on my list. i don't like horror films but this movie is quite fantastic. the artists are not good but they story really drags me into it.
e.the book of eli. this is a 2009 movie and it took me 2 years to see it. the movie is really great. the story is fantastic. and the ending is awesome.


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