December 20, 2012

janine tugonon

janine tugonon did it! she may not have won the title but the fact that she's the 1st runner up - she's still a winner. probably, it's not yet our country's turn to have another title. this is yet another reason why we should keep on saying - "I AM PROUD TO BE PINOY"...

here's her piece >>

"Should speaking English be a prerequisite to being Miss Universe as an international ambassador?" Janine confidently said, “For me, being Miss Universe is not just about knowing how to speak a specific language. It’s being able to influence and inspire other people. So whatever language you have, as long as your heart is to serve and you have a strong mind to show to people, then you can be Miss Universe.” from here...

anyhow,  ms. universe is owned by donald trump. so what's new? lol! congrats janine!

from Kuya Pops.

from here.

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