November 17, 2008

the big night after the big event

Alas! I was able to make it. At first, I was very hesitant because my personal dream is at stake. Nonetheless, God paved way and gave me enough reasons to be true and honestly admit my mistakes. True enough that denying something will not prosper in the end. Though there are still little tweaks in my story but I know somehow and someway, my family is going to understand it.

The truth is when I went out of the room at around 3.30 in the afternoon yesterday, I told myself – “Ang gago mo!” – but I was able to control myself. Hhaayy…(sigh) . I even had a lot of stupid questions . With this in mind, I really need to talk to some good old friend that I could really rely on. So, I went to chapel in the heart of Greenbelt and hate to see myself crying because I know that all my questions and so-called “pag-hihinagpis” were answered. I gave myself a treat – a nice Japanese cherry tea and a sweet slice of Blueberry cheesecake courtesy of my swirl card from Coffee Bean – in order to control my emotional instability and to give Edu the Great a big treat because of his courage.

So, it is done. I may not know what happen next but I know God has plans for me. Thy will be done.


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