February 09, 2011

unfortunately, work is not my priority

normal day for me is i wake up at 4.00 to 4.30 am. prepare until 5.30, take the bus (any bus na di tayuan) be in the office by 8.00 to 8.30 am. work until my tummy aches, eat, and work again until my eyes hurt (usually around 8.30 to 9.00). i will be home by 11.30 to 12.00 am. =)

however, every tue, i go home by 5.00 to 5.30 pm to meet my tuesday obligations - attend our weekly celebration of the word. every tuesday, i see to it that i'll be in the office by 7 to 7.30. my girlfriend usually tells me..."saan ka kumukuha ng lakas?" then i'll reply..."sa iyo..." ahehehe, that is completely out of context.

anyways, i'll ask you - you think it's not enough? i got a negative feedback that i should not decline OT requests simply because it will give not so much good environment to the team. oh men!? almost 12 hours of work at the office every mon, wed, thu and fri (sometimes with sat), then you are going to tell me that i am declining an OT request for the reason that I NEED TO ATTEND MY OBLIGATION? what the hell? are you a slave driver? lol! 

well, you judge. i know something about business needs of our job but unfortunately work (especially every tue) is not my priority...


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