October 28, 2010

pink run - oh my!

The purpose of Pink Run is very close to my heart. I don’t know – it just did. Pink Run is not just an awareness campaign for breast cancer patients but (I think) aims to raise fund for patients and studies related to it. So who in my family has breast cancer? None.

Except for my bad singlet experience, the event went utterly perfect. It’s so nice that I couldn’t say one bad thing against the organizers. We were properly hydrated, the route is well organized and the terrain is perfect. It was my first time to run at McKinley Hill. And as the name denotes, I should have expected a lot of ups and downs along the course. Unfortunately, I am not prepared for them. LOL! My limbs are aching at the middle of the course but I know I can do it. This is not just for breast cancer patients (and future) but for me. I need to run. I have to. I paid a big amount of money and prepared for more than 2 weeks just for this. And no matter what happen, I need to finish the race.

It’s so hard if it’s uphill. I hate it. Neither the downhill for it somehow pushes me down the crescent. Anyways, I still managed to finish the race. I even had a better time of 58 mins and 34 secs (organizer’s time) or 58 mins and 19 secs (my time). I sover love pink run! =)


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