October 28, 2010

someone woke me up when september ended

life is like something. something like this and something like that. lol!

october is almost over and it was an awesome month. i am so happy that someone woke me up when september ended! lol!

working my way to something

a lot of work for this month. sometimes, i almost quit but i know its just a challenge. i am learning, this is the better part of working into something new. out of sql scripts, reporting services, ssis and autosys. ohh...its not that i hate them but i just need to move out of my comfort zone. yeah! i may not know dot net well enough but i am learning. i know that.

lead yourself before you lead others

ahahaha! if you know me well, those words are very controversial. anyways, i am having trouble dealing with the other higher folks. i'd rather stop there and not give further details. but one thing that i need to stress out is that respect and change is not just being imposed, it is learned and earned.

running for the passion

when someone asks me, what's it with running? i always answer it back with "it's fun". it's fun to feel that you are running for something and out of something. if you are stressed out, try to run out of stress. if you hear someone which made you upset, run! if you are tired, get that thing out of you system by running through it. lol! and the most important thing it, you run for someone. so awesome!

i love you

october is very good month for me in terms of my tutut life! lol. yeah. despite heavy workloads, someone  i know and close to my heart is boosting me to be a better person. so happy to have this feeling - that someone is around you and willing to accept and love you as you are. no words can describe it. show it through actions.


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