October 15, 2011

edward's little project

my mom encountered an accident around May. she had a fractured collar bone (left). she can not raise up her left hand and it's hard for her to do some household chores. unfortunately, it took a while before the bone started to regenerate - not until early this month. the doctor said that she can now remove her brace. she's so happy about the news.

now, next problem is how to move her affected arm as normal as possible. the muscles in her collar bone became stiff and its affecting the movement - just imagine the muscle is immobile for five freaking months. doctor taught her a couple of exercises and he advised us to set up an overhead pulley that she can use in her exercises.

so, how should I set it up? i am not the type of guy who can do some repairs and stuff. i would rather clean, cook and wash the dishes/clothes - it was my sister ruth whom we can count on that. ahaha! but this time, my mom needs it badly and i can't wait for my sister to have time. so i did a little research on how to start and the result is (drum roll please) ...

while using overhead pulley. 

while using overhead pulley.


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