October 23, 2011

lt. colonel manny pacquiao

i am not a fan of manny pacquiao. lol! i always say that. during my stay in chicago, most of my mexican friends know him and idolize him but not me. i hate him when he started doing legislative stuff, movies and singing. but for the issue with him about promotion as a reservist? he got me at his back on it.

i don't think that being promoted to lt. colonel should be questioned. first, that is what the reservist is for. again, reservist. it doesn't mean that he is going to assume the position right there and then. his eligibility in the position is also an ace. in fact, HE IS MORE DETERMINED THAN MOST OF THE PEEPS IN THE ACTIVE SERVICE. he is more disciplined and oozing with ability to get things done. i think he's really good in the position. as one of the high ranking officials in AFP said, manny can be the head of the battalion that will spearhead the sports and fitness activities. he's good at it!

second, he's the people's champ. i may not like him but most of the filipinos do. police officials know that. even criminals stop their wrong doing just to watch his fight, right? he can be an advocate of peace and order. and being a reservist is an awesome way to do it. people will look up to him. a living hero will lead an advocacy through good actions and deed.

lastly, education isn't important on this. some officials are questioning him saying that he doesn't have any educational background. this makes me very mad. they are belittling people. so eye-poor (matapobre) lol! most of our dead heroes did not have proper education but they defended our country well, right? andres bonifacio is the best example of this one. super grabe kayo! for me, please please please make OUR COUNTRY PROUD first before you throw stones to the poor guy. you don't even know how to make a name out of yourself. hay! crab mentality it is. poor people - so blinded.

we really can't please everybody...


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