October 23, 2011

posters, posters and posters

when I was in madrid, we were cheering someone from bicol region for he passed the nursing board examinations. yahoo! way to go! when i reached home, OMG! as in Oh My Golly! posters are everywhere. congratulating people for passing board examinations. but do we really have to put it this way?

first point, you think how many of these board passers will end up having their dream job? a lot of nurses find themselves behind the bars of some f^^k-stricken hospitals that instead of giving these poor and full spirited people their first paychecks they ask MONEY for a piece paper saying they are through with OJT. how sick!

second, most of these posters bear the names of politicians - yes POLITICIANS. they are still alive and they use this time to promote themselves for the next election. how sick! as in super sick! i am expecting them to pass some laws to protect these nurses and not to spend their time going to printing shops to have these posters done. gggrrr...por pabor!

lastly, nurses are one of those courses/majors that can do more than they are expected to do. hopefully, they took their lessons seriously and not thinking when to leave our country. face it, most of the peeps take nursing as their doorstep to canada, japan, us and other countries. PEOPLE WILL BE SUCCESSFUL IF YOU HAVE YOUR GOALS SET ON THE RIGHT WAY. yun lang! 


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