June 09, 2012

mirriam is unfit?

for me, this is a classic example of crab mentality. lol! imagine people banging on a person who gave the country honor and prestige. grabe, when will people - specifically Filipinos - learn to accept the fact that everyone deserves respect.

i love the lady senator. she's witty and knows what she's doing. when she won a sit in ICC, oh my! i think  that really deserves an applause. imagine, a lawyer representing a filipinos internationally. and to think that this lawyer SPEAKS ENGLISH AND FILIPINO - ILONGGO AND TAGALOG. a true blooded filipina. then just because of her "nasty" behavior, some filipinos think that she's crazy? oh come on! mamon!

emotional problem. some people has this emotional problems. its hard for them to stop talking and be honest with his/her comments. i am one of those people. i am doing everything to control my emotions lately but i think mirriam is on her way to win over it. for me, as long as you know that you're right. why stop? what's wrong with being honest? people are different. stupid!

this picture is from here.

not guilty. the lady senator judge has high standards. so what? corona is no longer the CJ! come on people! move on. even if mirriam will say yes, he's still convicted. when i heard mirriam's explanation, i was almost convinced that corona should not impeached. she is correct in saying that the the evidences presented by the prosecutors are weak. the best evidence presented was corona himself - for admitting that he did not declare his huge amount of dollars in his SALN.

this picture is from here.

anyhow, mirriam is entitled with her opinion and so as this crabs. full story >> Asked about 'psych test challenge', Mirriam scolds journalists for giving in to black propaganda and Online movement seeks Santiago's removal from ICC.

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