June 21, 2012

my thoughts on religious ban and divorce bill

i do not know if i wanted to be a congressman or a senator someday. current legislators today push bills that for their own good alone. nothing else. lemme discuss a few..

palatino's religious affairs. palatino is one of those party list representative of the lower house. he recently propose to ban religious activities/signs/artifacts in all public offices.

my comment: religion is deeply rooted in Filipino culture. every time there's public gathering, it starts with a simple prayer. every first friday, some local offices request for mass in their offices. reason is to save time. so what will happen if all of these were banned? nothing. if you really wanted to fulfill your religious obligation, you'll find a way to get it done. right?

however, starting a day with a prayer won't hurt people - believers/non-believers in general. will 5 mins of time hurt the government services? come on! even christians, they can do bible sharing or any activity. they need these to remind themselves that they should do their jobs well. as i said in my early statement, religion is already rooted in our culture which makes me think that this is complete mess. 

palatino would like to make clear division of church and state. but is this really the best way to draw the borderline? i don't think so. i agree that division is vague. but this is not the best way to clear it.

my suggestion: take a break, have a kitkat. there are a lot of things to think of. other bills that are more important than removing a hand for us believers. this is a free nation. everyone is free to express his/her belief. we (catholics) are not forcing (non-catholics) to join us during eucharists or during prayers. non-catholics are free to do whatever they want just as long as they respect our faith. gets? so mr. palatino, if you think this is a good idea, i don't think so. YOU'RE THE VOICE OF THE YOUTH. so, why don't you concentrate your bills in preserving good moral and right conduct of today's youth? youth who became slaves of money because they wanted to help their parents? can you think of something better? 

gusto mo lang siguro talagang kumandidato! i think you should be part of a party list called TRAPO - TRAditional POliticians. See full story >> Lawmaker wants religion out of government office.

divorce bill. senate is now pushing to revive a bill to make the divorce legal. 

my comment: a big NO NO! i always believe that when you put a restriction off, people will get so much comfortable with it. so, if you put the divorce law in this land, more and more people will file a divorce. this will make the separation of men and women a lot easier. a marriage is not just a paper which can be nullified when you think that he's not worth it. it's completely unacceptable. people should be more vigilant and practice discernment in choosing the best of him/her. hindi ito sa pagwapuhan or pagandahan. marriage is a vocation. a God's plan. not our option. 

i value marriage so much. it's God's way of showing how He loved us so much. two completely different people become one in the eyes of God. so divorce should really not be there, it will open a choice. 

my suggestion: first, the RH bill. next, Divorce. i wouldn't be surprise if she will support cong. palatino's bill. please. RH Bill and Divorce is not a way to empower the women. but this will demoralize women's worth. a lot of people may not like my words but women plays a very important role in humanity. women have this so-called womb which houses the first few stages of life. senator pia should instead push laws that will strengthen and value women more. they i love senator pia. but i think she's doing this because she is separated with her hubby.

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