September 06, 2012

awesome pinoys!

if we are talking about awesome pinoys for 2012, i can say that these two should make it to the roster great people. two pinoys made to the list of 2012 JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World. they are Benigno "Bam" Aquino, IV and Edsel Maurice Salvana. 

Bam Aquino. aquino again? please don't be negative. i think he deserves it. i've seen his effort to make a name out of himself and his sincerity makes me believe that he's an awesome guy. see >>

Paolo Benigno ‘Bam’ A. Aquino IV belongs to a new generation of Filipino leaders who have sought out solutions to social problems in new and innovative ways. Bam and his team have helped thousands of underprivileged women in various parts of the Philippines work their way out of poverty through the mutli-awarded social enterprise, The Hapinoy Program. The Hapinoy Program helps small mom-and-pop stores in the Philippine countryside develop into more sustainable businesses through business aggregation, community-organizing and personal development programs. 
In 2011, The Hapinoy Program won the UN’s Project Inspire Award, besting over 400 social enterprises from all over the world. With business partner, Mark Ruiz, Bam was named as the Asian Social Entrepreneur of the Year by the World Economic Forum’s Schwab Foundation for Social Enterprises also in the same year.
Bam’s work in alleviating poverty through development work and social enterprise has won accolades here and abroad. As early as 2006, he was recognized as a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. In that same year, he was chosen to be part of Asia Society’s pioneer batch of Asia 21 Young Leaders. In 2010, Bam was was chosen as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines (TOYM) for 2010 in the category Social Enterprise and Community Development.
Previous to his work in the Hapinoy Program, he became the youngest person to head a government agency in the Philippines when he was appointed as the Chairman of the National Youth Commission (NYC) when he was 26 years old.
Edsel Salvana. this doctor has been a part of balik scientist program of DOST last 2008. an internist by profession in cleveland, ohio, he is also an expert in infectious diseases and tropical medicine. being part of the program alone, made me realize that he deserves the spot. see >>

Dr. Edsel Maurice Salvana turned his knowledge and career in the medical field into a way to help those suffering from HIV/AIDS. After completing his undergraduate studies at the University of the Philippines College of Medicine, he completed his residency and obtained specialized diplomas in international infectious and tropical diseases in the United States. He studied the HIV/AIDS epidemic that occurred in both Africa and the United States during the 1980s and deems it a human catastrophe that must not be repeated. 
Upon Dr. Salvana’s return to the Philippines, he discovered an increase of HIV/AIDS cases in his home country. He immediately took action and started a vigorous awareness and research campaign long before the Philippine government officially recognized the epidemic. 
His early detection of the disease spurred government agencies to make HIV/AIDS policy a priority and initiated positive changes regarding testing and treatment. Dr. Salvana has taken his campaign global by delivering educational, action-oriented speeches about the epidemic to the United Nations and the United States Peace Corps. Locally, he treats HIV/AIDS patients at the Philippine General Hospital and also established the first Philippine HIV/AIDS fellowship program to increase care for the disease. Dr. Salvana’s extensive medical background and vibrant passion to protect others make him a strong advocate for HIV/AIDS in his community and around the world. 
to both of these awesome pinoys! congratulations!

picture is from here.

*articles above are from here TOYP of the World.

official announcement of winners is from this page.

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