September 29, 2012

Project Enthalpy

Enthalpy is a measure of the total energy of a thermodynamic system. It includes the internal energy, which is the energy required to create a system, and the amount of energy required to make room for it by displacing its environment and establishing its volume and pressure.

i am a chemical engineer by heart and a programmer by profession. as a chemical engineer, i know that there are different types of energy that surround each and everyone of us. well, even high school or elementary students know that. but to tell people what "enthalpy" is, it's really hard to do. 

so, i wanted to explain it in a way where my peers will understand. so basically, enthalpy is internal energy plus work. think of "internal energy" as doing your everyday tasks - create detailed design, create test plans, create code, solve tickets, monitor servers, create reports and others. you need to do these to survive. you need to be effective to deliver. you need to be efficient to add value. you need to excel to have a good rating. however, sometimes excelling is not enough to have a good one. when politics comes in, every effort that made will be useless. 

now, think of "work" as your effort to make another room. another room to showcase your talent. something you don't usually do. its a work to establish another name. this room is usually empty. no one knows how your circle of influence is. it is dependent on volume and pressure. so work is like doing some extra-curricular activities. other people see you, but they do not know the volume of your work in there. they do not know the pressure that you have to make some activities work. since this is empirical by nature, this is where politics comes in. 

so, enthalpy is internal energy plus work. internal energy plus politics. very vague. very subjective. no more words to say. no one to blame. 

i am moving on. just to move forward and look for some new space to expand.

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