October 31, 2012

caritas christi

last regional convivence, this song is one of the songs that touched my heart. an awesome song!

caritas christi urget nos!
caritas christi urget nos!

the love of Christ impels us at the thought,
the love of Christ impels us at the thought;
that if one has died for all,
all have died;
that if Christ had died for all,
all have died.

and He died for all so that those who live
may live no longer for themselves
but for Him who died and is risen for them.

caritas christi urget nos!
caritas christi urget nos!

if someone is in Christ he is a new creation,
the old things have passed away, new ones are born.
the one who did not know sine,
God has treated as sin
so that we may become the righteousness of God in Him.

caritas christi urget nos!
caritas christi urget nos!

woe to me, if i do not announce the gospel,
woe to me, woe to me!

woe to me, if i do not announce the gospel,
woe to me, woe to me!
caritas christi urget nos!
caritas christi urget nos!
the love of Christ impels us at the thought,
the love of Christ impels us at the thought;
that if one has died for all,
all have died;
that if Christ had died for all,
all have died.

this was taken during the regional convivence on 2011.

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