October 31, 2012

1st night: Regional Convivence 2012

first night. we're supposed to leave by 5.30 PM but because of heavy torrential rains, we left the house by 7.45 PM. i should say "grabe"! we barely see the streets going to tagaytay. rain is so heavy but i know kuya jaime - our driver - knows that we have to go to st. james.

we arrived at around 9.10 PM. right after we unloaded our things, the lights went off. lol! luckily, dan's cellphone has flashlight. the retreat house has an old generator and they informed us that its not going to last for long.

usually, convivence starts with introduction of each community. but this time is different, catechists know that most of the people weren't there yet. they decided to have it tomorrow. the announcement is short yet precise. the random gospel reading is also good.

it talks about a woman who gave everything to God instead of keeping it for themselves. he talked about this further by saying that this is God is calling us today. to be servant and not to respond on earthly desires. i remember my blog entry regarding sold virginity. oh men! i thank God for he has given me this way.

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