June 12, 2009

pilgrimage v.04

I experienced one of the best Eucharistic celebrations in Bridgeport, Connecticut. I forgot the name of the priest who presided the celebration but it was the best. It is because the songs are very lively and it totally uplifted my spirit. I was totally ecstatic when they sung Shema (I really do not know if this is the complete title of song) but it goes something like “Shema, Israel. Listen, Israel”. I can feel my heart is being beaten. It feels like God is knocking on the door of my heart asking if He could enter. Oh my! Its really me. You know, totally melodramatic.

Anyways, one of the highlights of the said event is the baptismal of two babies. Yes! They baptized two babies that night. Everyone is so excited whenever we do this. Flashes coming from cameras are all over – of course I am one of them.

We had an agape after the celebration. Afterwards, Gerardo and I picked up our things and prepared to sleep. We slept inside the church. I can really feel that we are really pilgrims because we do not have a permanent place to sleep.

By the way, the church is very unique for me because it is full of paintings from the Way. As in, I was super amazed because I do not have even a bit of an idea that such church exists.

We slept at around 2 AM but we need to be awake at 6 and get ready to meet Kiko. =) .


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