June 13, 2009

pilgrimage v.05

Wow! Meeting Kiko really thrilled me! We left Connecticut early because we need to be in Washington before 2.30 in the afternoon. The day went well. =) . We passed several other states. It was fun to know a part of US history. They mentioned about a brief history of Delaware and Maryland. Don’t ask me about it – I already forgot what they said.

We arrived at D.C. on time. It was fun to see other pilgrims walking towards the stadium with their banner and flag in which state they represent. The feeling was really awesome because I remembered how we did it in Ilo-ilo last 2007. Do you have any idea of what I was doing at that time? Of course, I was secluding myself and just looking around. Though, I was with Gerardo but he has other friends, too. So, I just wondered around the place. Two days without taking a bath was big deal for me. This means that I just wanted to get out of other’s path. LOL!

There were a lot of people in the stadium – as in a lot! The best way to control the crowd is to let someone sing a song in front so that others would follow – as in! The biggest delegates were from California and New Jersey. We were all thrilled when Kiko went up the stage. I was hoping that he will be speaking in English but I guess I failed. I decided to give my mp3 player a try if it will work with the translation but I forgot it in my bag. The bus driver was nowhere to be found - so good bye! Too bad, I could not understand most of Kiko’s words. However, there were these words in which I was truly struck. It seemed that God paved a way so that I could understand what Kiko is telling me. He was telling me to “convert”. Yes to convert! I did not know where it came from but it appeared that I translated the words correctly. Oh my! It is really me. When the gathering was over, we all played music outside. Sorry, they played the music and I danced with others.

Virginia was our next destination – believe me or not but I really do not have an idea that we were in Virginia that night. We went into this place where they gave us food (pizza and some drinks) until I saw a building permit document posted in the wall saying that we are in Fairfax, Virginia. We spent a few hours there before we went to St. Timothy Church in Chantilly, Virginia. It was just 11 pm at that time so we practically have longer of sleep this time. =) .


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