August 30, 2010

last weekend of august

the word awesome is an understatement to describe how weekend passes through.


i woke up late for my spanish class - about 5.30. luckily no traffic for a bright and beautiful saturday. ahehehe. its the last class (from a series) so we planned something for next week. next saturday will be a big day for us! its our comprehensive exam. after my class, i went to the office and get my zune charger then headed to makati. i am planning to buy skin for my macbook but no size for my 13' screen model. i had a short confession @ the chapel then tugs tugs - on my way home!

our celebration of the word will be @ ate evelyn tamio's villa. ahehehe. due to traffic, i was late but was able to hear the sharings of some brothers in the community. few more mins and we are on our way to ma'am evelyn tapawan's mansion. the food @ both houses are yum yum! my motto that night was SAY NO TO DIET. ahehehe! 

my photo from tapawan's mansion.


so excited for the convivence of the year! yeah! it will be the convivence of the year for our community. we will be going to charles borromeo retreat house @ tagaytay! yahoo!

last time that i went here was two to three years ago where i joined the rest of the catechists as they form the community in magallanes, cavite. years have passed and here I am again. so happy, for i really love this place. it is very peaceful. just so love it! morning lauds went well, we ate and the bloody sharing. the sharing lasted for almost three hours. oh my! hahahaha! but it very fruitful and relaxing. some freaked out but its normal. just as long as you know that you correct your brother/sister in the community for the love of God. 

@cb retreat house

weekend is really awesome! yahoo! two more days and i'm through with vacation. ahehehe...


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