February 10, 2012

earthquake to media blaming LGU to ahcee flores

who is she? well, she's one of those people who became so famous because of those UNNECESSARY comments. a proof that sometimes if you talk less, you'll have less error. check this out "baduy girl".

she did a nasty comment about tsunami scare that ruled over Negros and Cebu after a strong earthquake hit the place early this week. my heart felt so bad after knowing that a lot of people were killed because of the earthquake. it made my day worse when I heard some media people blaming the local government unit (LGU) officials about the killings instead of just helping each other. and worst, when I heard about this girl who felt that every people from Visayas are "baduy".

instead of offering prayers, we did everything to pull every bad things out. hhaayy, if wanted change in this country, we need to be vigilant - not everything people from media are really credible. some are just there to blame other people. we also need to face the fact that we leave in the Philippines - and our country is part of this so-called Pacific Ring of Fire. bottom-line is be ready for any catastrophe. last is if you don't have any good thing to say, just shut up. just like this f**king girl named ahcee flores. the name right? she's calling people "baduy" but come to think of how she spelled her name. for me, its a big DUH!? ahcee, with an H and double E.

i should say that most of the times, i also have those not so good comments but i put it into proper timing and proper place.

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