March 07, 2012

azkals on sexual harassment issue with cristy ramos

others say that they got the looks, they got the balls to kick some ass and they got the girls running and screaming after them. 

and to add one more thing in the list is they got the attitude. hehe. my friend use to say that i got some attitude problem but these two football players from azkals beat be up. 

picture is from here

they are two of the many half breed athletes of our country. moy is half chinese while guirado is half spanish. they are sover piling up like pancakes. and you know what do they have in common? they always say, "i am a filipino by heart". wow! then, you'll hear both gurls and girls screaming like sirens when they saw these athletes. ok, maybe i am getting a little over the edge and too harsh on them. they really give glory to our country but do we need them? unfortunately - yes. we need these people for they are more athletic. moreover, they have the money to train (they could have started kicking some balls when they were toddlers). ok, i'll rephrase it. they have the right experience. 

given that they have different culture as ours, we couldn't blame them to have a different attitude - its a pain in the ass to admit that. but it is not an excuse to have a bad one. again, guirado and moy are just two of the half breed athletes that we have in the country. so, are we going to expect some more of these arrogant behaviors? i am not saying that all of them have dogmatic intuition.

this incident should serve as a lesson to the philippine athletic commission. think not just once, but hundred times before we IMPORT athletes. two of the basic things about being an athlete are discipline and respect. that's the bottom line.

here's an article of the incident. i hope that they could punish both of them.

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