March 25, 2012

picture! picture!

"all you really have in the end are your stories."

these are the exact lines from S04E07 of burn notice. believe it or not but its true. you can have a tons of pictures in your closet or a hard drive full of old scraps but none of them will tell the viewer the real story behind those pictures.

important thing is cease every moment. the picture below looks good. oh yeah! its in palomeras altas in madrid, spain. this is where the neo-catechumenal way started. i look so happy, right? i love the trees, its very picturesque. but, did you know that i stepped on a dog's poop while taking this picture?

by the way, i look good in blue and with my oakley. lol!

i used to be like some people taking photos in every angle. of course, i am a filipino! we love photos! but sometimes, we lose the other end. and that lose end is the very reason "why you are at a particular place and particular time".

it took me while to realize this.

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