March 10, 2012

thankful to God

dear God -

thank You for a wonderful day. You thought me "how to get mad and move on" in proper way. today is kinda special. You tested my patience but You thought me to value people. i love You so much for teaching me this. it's tricky at first but i know i'll get used to it. thank You for choosing me to be your servant and loving me unconditionally.

You have given me a lot of different things this week. hope that i could return it back to You by being a good boy starting tomorrow. ^ - ^ . You gave me time to celebrate word with my community and listen to them without closing my ears. i know that everyday is not a good day but i hope that You can help me to get it better.

thank You for my girlfriend for she is always here beside me. thank You for my family for loving me continuously in a way that i wanted to. thank You for my community for it continues to make me feel as i am. thank You for my job that continues to challenge me. thank You, thank You, thank You...

picture from wall post.

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