May 19, 2012

my sister's wedding

it was my sister's wedding yesterday. and yes, everyone is still happy. we are all tired but very happy. tita osie is still with us. i never thought that she's going to stay with us for quite long. she's been here since yesterday. with her is beng, casey, maddy, zette, emie, marvie, jason, janice and jacob. wow! a full blast, isn't it?

also, my tito efren, tita nila (along with my cousins and nephews) and tita juling (along with my cousins) were there, too. i don't know how hard it is to contain them in such a venue. bwhahaha!

to top the main event yesterday is me introducing my girlfriend. bwahaha! i introduced her to most of my relatives.

the day would have been incomplete with me having some tugs tugs shot with my girl (who looks stunning, by the way) in photobooth. bwahahaha!

courtesy of photobooth.

courtesy of zette.

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