May 31, 2012

installing patience; running obedience in command promt

one thing that is very hard to to do is to obey. i don't like to follow rules - especially if they will make me suffer. i don't like to follow people's advice if it will make me look stupid. i don't like people telling me what to do. i hate it.

in my line of work, following syntax, norms, culture and processes are some of my weaknesses. everyday, i suffer. everyday, i cry deep inside. i wanted to be free from everything but freedom is not absolute. i wanted to have things on my own way, on my own rules.

patience is a virtue and is a must. i have a short temper. i easily get mad with things come my way unexpectedly. i am sensitive with words - and like colouring books - i usually put colors to someone else words.

dealing with hard customers. bossy boss. insensitive supervisors. noisy seatmates. people asking a lot of questions but all they have to do is to read. everyday is like election day in the corporate world due to politicking.gggrrr...

for me, the words patience and obedience should always come together. no matter how much you hate the kind of tasks that your boss will give you, you need to follow. he's your boss. you're getting paid for doing something and getting things done.

there are times that i will just say no but i have to say yes. can someone install patience in my heart? i badly need it! can we run obedience via command prompt? someday, with the grace of God. i'll have these two be part of my life - and i am very optimistic about that.

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