May 12, 2012

...pana-MANIAC on the run...

it happened on April 23 when a so-called Panamanian diplomat raped a 19-year old Filipina. rape is not new here in our country. in fact, it's becoming more prevalent - probably because people are becoming more aware of these types of earth shattering incident.

more than that, instead of being held in court, he was released because of the diplomatic immunity. this is sover, beyond the limit, insanity. we have a court in this country to know facts. we have laws to protect each Filipinos in the Philippines. in this case, the court of law became numb and damn. they let someone go without pressing any charges against that PANAMANIAC! WTF! 

even the department of justice said that they cannot do something about it. WTH! where is the fearless Leila de Lima? are you still busy looking for evidences against CGMA and/or CJCorona?you have stopped an ex-President from getting out of the country but you cannot pin a diplomat down? grabe, someone needs to be on top of this. 

picture is from here.

all i can do is to pray. hhaayy. i personally do not know this young Filipina but i would like to pray for her so that he can continue with her life.

and for that PANAMANIAC, just be careful. just be careful. who knows what will happen next? See complete story here.

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