April 28, 2012

8th year

i can't believe it! spending eight long years in my company. as in, wow. let me spell it backwards, wow.

until now, i can't believe that i have stayed in my company for long. i still remember the first time i enter GT tower as an ASE. i was so naive. lol! i even cried because i couldn't pass on one deliverable during COBOL training.

the entire 8 years is not all fun. its full of up's and down's. a roller coaster ride. but you know why i stayed?

...i have the freedom of time. i can get out of the office early during Tues. its my church day. meeting with God is always on top of my priorities. i do not care what my supervisor say just as long as i have my Tues. in one of my assessment, my former lead say...

Edward should learn that OT request is always a business need and he should be careful on declining such request around the team because it doesn't create a positive environment and most of the time people tend to act the same way.

instead of feeling bad, i felt so happy because he it only shows that i really value my Tues.

...i learned how to run in a marathon not in a sprint. one of the greatest thing that i have learned from my company is to wait for the best timing. people might be one level higher than i am but people can see that i am more skilled than he or she is. reason is that i value each day in my stay.

...professionalism is sometimes synonymous to being plastic. its a bad thing but the way to the corporate ladder is full of stupid and annoying people. you just have to deal with them or else you'll loose your way.  its not that i am enjoying it but i am very spontaneous. so i need to sometimes control myself.

life is awesome and i am looking forward to a better and new one.

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