October 11, 2009

an awesome day!

There is nothing like a day started with something fruitful. Though I went home at around 1 am (we came from Hernan’s party), I made sure that 8.30 mass is on top of my To Do’s.

ALARM CLOCK: 8.03 AM Chicago Time.

What’s new?

October 11, 2009 is Chicago Marathon Day. No vehicles are roaming S. Michigan. It is something NEW!

What’s awesome?

Rev. Father Santa Claus (as I call him) gave a very good homily today! He gave us (listeners) two things that are worth thinking and I wanted to share these words to you:

a. The how is as much or far more important than the what. Fine! Everyone knows what to do but would they know how to do it? Some may say YES, but would you know how to do it in a correct way?

b. Let go! Let God! Oh my, it’s really me! I need those words. Most of the times, we have our plans and projects but we should somehow let go of these and let God take control of our so-called life.

What’s hot?

Nothing is gonna stop us now. LOL! Yes, we went to Aurora. I was supposed to buy things for my cousins and other relatives in the Philippines. I thought it will be easy for me but guess what? I failed. LOL! My patience is still the same. Short tempered and I easily gives up on something I do not want to do. Anyways, just to cut the story short, I ended up buying nothing for them. Overall, I enjoyed the day with my friends - John and Jay!

What’s cool?

The weather is very cold! It’s just October yet the temperature is 7 degrees C.


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