April 30, 2012

national youth pilgrimage leyte/samar v.02

ayun! day 2 is awesome. we had our popular mission in salcedo - a nearby town of guiuan.  before got there, we had a small procession. i volunteered myself to bring the cross. i am in full battle gear. lol!

procession to the public market. (by kuya pops)

we started the mission by the sharing of some brothers. rollie asked for volunteers and i did not know where the name of "edu" came from. so, i did! i expressed how faithful God is. even from start of the way. we did two by two in the market place. i was with richmon.

while sharing during the popular mission. (by kuya pops)

break time with dan and albert. (by kuya pops)

after the popular mission, we ate in a restau then off to the beach to feel the water. the place is so beautiful and awesome. flor wanted to have buko juice and she ordered some. it tastes so sweet - different from what we have here in cavite.

a small island in guiuan beach.

next stop is jail. we were assigned in guiuan municipal jail. i had the cross - of course. while doing the popular mission, i got pissed off to some peeps taking photo of the inmates inside the barricade. for me, it was very in-approriate to do that. anyhow, the mission is so great. an inmate named - weng - uttered:

God called me to enjoy suffering!

what a wonderful statement from a person who has suffered and is suffering.

we ended the day with a eucharist then off to tubabao cove. still, no electric fan. got no choice...

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