April 30, 2012

national youth pilgrimage leyte/samar v.01

we're excited. yes. around midnight, we arrived NAIA Terminal 3 for our 4 AM flight. it's too early but this is what Kuya Bobby and Ate Evelyn preferred. taking a nap is no longer an option. we went up to grab some coffee and had little chat. afterwards, it's time to stand still until the check in counter opens. we had a little problem as we check in. everyone is pissed off...reason? i better move on. lol!

after 30 long minutes in the check in counter, we're able to get inside and waited a couple of more hours. we saw susan and rollie cheng. i am happy, i found myself sitting beside my girlfriend. of course, i asked someone else to swap with my sit. lol!

while inside the plane going to tacloban.

getting to tacloban is just an hour flight. we found out that our group will be joining the youth of mary the queen. wala pa man sa bus, i feel that my nose is already bleeding. the bus is small. i should say that. it's very small. some are just half butt seated. i am beside flor so i have no problem. lol! dan and albert is in an air-conditioned van.

after almost 5 hours of gruesome road travel, we reached the parish of immaculate conception in guiuan, eastern samar. the people are very warm! they are waving our hands to welcome us. a little introduction was done and we're off to division process. lol! we were assigned in the rest house of the mayor. we're totally elated when we heard about this. it's an honor to be lodging inside the mayor's rest house. we need to ride a pump boat to get there, though.

anyways, we had our lunch in cafe verde. the food is good, i love it! st. anthony cathedral is our next stop. the church is under construction and no one gave an introduction to it so i guess, there's nothing much to see. calico-an beach is next. it's their surfing capital. the place is an ace! the water is so clean and air is so fresh. flor is not in the mood for picture taking, i should say that. lol! i don't know why. it's probably the weather. it's so hot out there so i would not blame her. i just shut up.

@ calico-an beach.

flor and i.

we reached the parish around 5 pm. we had popular mission and 2 by 2. this encounter is very awesome. flor and i decided to go together. we talked to a couple and had a great chat with them. it's as if we were talking to ourselves. things that we should have done and ought to do. i saw flor crying and when we cut the bible, it was awesome. it's about sex and marriage.

dinner is at mayor's rest house. i love the sweet and sour lapu lapu. our designated place to sleep was at the attic. the place is small and very hot to sleep with. dan had a hard time. but, it's still part of the pilgrimage. we're just getting started.

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