July 19, 2012

pilgrimage with my community 2012 v.01

our community had its own mini version of pilgrimage. together with father nel and father ollie, we went to lipa city - our lady of mediatrix with the carmelite sisters. we saw the "supposed" apparition site. though it wasn't really declared as valid apparition, i can feel something good. here's a short story of the apparition...

According to the account, on September 12, 1948, Sr.Teresita Castillo noticed a vine shaking without the presence of wind. Then she heard a woman's voice who had told her to visit the garden for 15 consecutive days, to bow, pray and eat the garden grass. The next day, September 13 at 5pm, Teresita came to the spot, knelt down and intended to say the Hail Mary prayer. In the middle of the prayer, wind came and the garden vine moved when a beautiful lady appeared. On September 14, rose petals began to shower within the monastery. Some of the religious sisters living in the convent began to notice rose petals outside their hallways.
Again at 5:00 pm, the lady appeared once more at the vine and said "I wish this place to be blessed tomorrow." "At what time, Mother?" asked Teresita. "Anytime your Mother Prioress wants, my child. I forbid you to forget the incidents of these fifteen days." Then the lady vanished. On the other hand, Mother Mary Cecilia of Jesus, the Mother Prioress, decided to consult His Excellency, the Most Reverend Alfredo Obviar, the auxiliary bishop of Lipa and spiritual director of Carmel, on what to do on the alleged apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The bishop instructed the Mother Prioress to demand from the ady a proof that she is from Heaven.
Days after the first shower of rose petals, total blindness affected the Teresita. The Mother Prioress heard a woman's voice telling her to kiss the postulant's eyes will recover her sight. One day, in the presence of Bishop Obviar, the mother prioress lifted the veil of the postulant and imparted a kiss to Teresita's eyes. Immediately, the girl recovered her sight. Bishop Obviar no longer doubted the claims of her apparition.
from here.

picture in the apparition site.

i prayed for a stronger relationship with my girlfriend. =) . we had a short eucharist in a chapel. it was a quick one. father ollie presided the mass while father nel gave a short homily. he shared accounts about his difficulties in his place in canada. a best example of "be strong people" story. i may say that his homily is good. full of essence and idealism. there is indeed a difference between the homily of an older priest than younger ones. both are best in their respective thoughts.

two of the most important women in my life beside me during the eucharist.

my mom in front of the church.

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