August 01, 2012

my diet

i am on a strict diet - started three weeks ago. so far, i am good with it. i am loving it, i should say. except for the following:

a. i need to pack my things with plastic container of fruits - apples, pears and oranges - and some pieces of banana.

b. milk. i also need to bring some milk. most of the milks that are commercially available in convenient stores are full cream milk. my diet needs a non-fat.

c. take up some bitter-sweet medication. i hate medication! at all!

d. loaf of wheat bread. i love wheat bread. it's easy for me to eat one. but bringing a loaf from home to office isn't easy.

honestly, i don't like doing bringing some food when i go to the office. my bag is already filled with electronics - headset, laptop, charger, mouse, music player, charger, cell phone(s).

anyways, i know its for my own good. it's clean living plus my weight is going down so, i shouldn't complain at all. lol! loosing weight easier than hitting the gym. lol!

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