July 24, 2011

run with my father

on my way to the final turn to my stardom (stardom? lol!), i saw a guy reaching out his hand to someone in his right. i was wondering kung sino yung inaabot nya, when i finally realized na yung bata sa kanan nya yung inaabot nya. afterwards, sinabi nagpapapicture siya dun sa mga folks with camera saying these lines...

"Father and son. It's my son's first 10K..."
i was so touched with what that dad said. as in super! na-miss ko yung dad ko ng sobra. naisip ko, is he going to be proud of me with all of my accomplishments? sasabihin nya kaya na, "it's my son's first 16K"...

hhaayy...i miss my dad, i am not a perfect son but i'm a work in progress.


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