July 04, 2011

giving what someone deserves

starbucks for me and you. i always believe that people should be given the things that they deserve the most. just today, mitch, oliver and i went to starbucks for a coffee. its my treat. =) . they deserve to have a coffee. they were good people to me. good, skilled and awesome people like them really deserve a treat. if i could just give them money, i would but everyone knows that a simple "good job" is better than having an extravagant party...=)

gymming is nothing like gymming. yeah. its a gym day for me. i go to the gym from Mons to Fris then run a couple of miles every Sun. i deserve this. i eat a lot. lol! not to mention the awesome banofee pie from starbucks. lol!

i love you. hehe, i dont have to say it. i deserve an "i love you" from her and i did received that. wow! let me spell it backwards...wow!

people deserves so many things. a pat in the back, an awesome praise from someone and "i love you" from your loved one. no matter what it is, people should always think that their strength and skills came from God who is always there for us. thank you God! thanks for a great day!


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