August 22, 2009

...God chose me

i attended the eucharist today. yes. i did. i'm almost late but was able to make it on time. after few months without Eucharist, i can say that it is really worth it to attend one.

i was so amazed with father, he was an old man but you can see the youth behind his eyes. what also amazed me is one of the people who did an echo. her last words are “…God chose me.” somehow, some axons inside my body really did it’s job – to conduct electrical current away from neuron. i felt the same thing, too. despite my addiction, tactless words, endless murmurings and some inhuman activities (this is subjective to my beliefs), i'm still here walking with my community with hopes that someday i can call myself as a good follower of Christ. i am not good as others would think. i go to church every week to attend mass. i prepare for the celebration of the words. i do admonitions. but, i would say that i still love myself more than any thing else.

hhaayy (deep sigh) … when can i see myself fulfilled with the things that i do? i hope soon. i believe that because God chose me.


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