April 30, 2012

birthday month

some people said that age is just a number and its a sign of wisdom...i agree. i am starting to know the wisdom of my heart. hhhmmm.

i may still be grumpy at times but i know that i'm getting there. thanks to my family and my girlfriend - who always support me with everything.

so, what's my birthday gift? this year, i received so-far the best birthday gift, ever! flor came to the national youth pilgrimage. it was a dream come true for me. i did not even ask her to come. she volunteered herself in the activity.

picture taken at palo, leyte.

anyhow, i thank God for everything. He has given me everything i need but i haven't given something in return.

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the first part of the movie is quite boring. probably, because i somehow have the idea of how were they formed. the movie neither surprised nor challenged my mental capability. everything is predictable. the director should have incorporated something new about the avengers. 

anyways, it still has the aliw factor. iron man and hulk are great. captain america is the worst. the movie can exist without him. black widow and hawk eye are also great. thor needs some renovations. lol!  

the picture is from here.

i'll give the movie 6.50.

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national youth pilgrimage leyte/samar v.03

third day is not that exciting. its our last day in guiuan, i will truly miss the place. we had our little chat with the people who resides in the place, then we sung some songs. people from other parishes seem enjoying their stay at tubabao, so we decided to go ahead of them. also, i am quite excited with kuya pops shot of the day - he plans to take a photo of us four while riding the local banca. yahoo!!!

four of us in a banca. yahoo!

our journey will start from guiuan cathedral then to tacloban where we're going to take our lunch then to ormoc city. more or less, we spent the whole day traveling. its so fun because i have flor beside me. ahehehe.

the catechists rented two vans to accommodate people who were seated uncomfortably. kuya pops, p.a., albert and dan were in one of the vans with father paulo. while the rest of us were comfortably seated in the bus. we stopped for a while @ san juanico bridge. i am not amazed with it, lol! its like a regular bridge for me.

oopps, tinakpan ko...lol!

ocho restau is our destination in tacloban. the food is...fine. nothing very fiesty. the dessert is awesome. lol! jessica and jessa volunteered to buy ice cream from jobee and mcdo. lol! going to ormoc, is another three to four hour trip. rollie and susan took this opportunity for a little "bible cutting". we stopped by several times for wiwi break and to visit mc arthur in palo, leyte. ahehehe. yes, i wasn't really expecting that i'll meet him.

@ palo, leyte.

after calling several people, susan finally called me. the reading is simple yet some meaty. its about jesus asking a lady to give him water. jesus mentioned something about the living water. a simple yet so daring. for God has really came to me and told me things that i never expected. tears almost fell from to my cheek but i was able to manage it. lol!

we reached the place almost 7 pm. we had our room assignments, ate our dinner then off to peter paul church for the eucharist. the celebration is good enough but the songs are very lively! awesome! i love dayenu!

room for sleeping is perfect! after two nights of hot attic, we can finally sleep in a cozy bed with aircon. lol!

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national youth pilgrimage leyte/samar v.02

ayun! day 2 is awesome. we had our popular mission in salcedo - a nearby town of guiuan.  before got there, we had a small procession. i volunteered myself to bring the cross. i am in full battle gear. lol!

procession to the public market. (by kuya pops)

we started the mission by the sharing of some brothers. rollie asked for volunteers and i did not know where the name of "edu" came from. so, i did! i expressed how faithful God is. even from start of the way. we did two by two in the market place. i was with richmon.

while sharing during the popular mission. (by kuya pops)

break time with dan and albert. (by kuya pops)

after the popular mission, we ate in a restau then off to the beach to feel the water. the place is so beautiful and awesome. flor wanted to have buko juice and she ordered some. it tastes so sweet - different from what we have here in cavite.

a small island in guiuan beach.

next stop is jail. we were assigned in guiuan municipal jail. i had the cross - of course. while doing the popular mission, i got pissed off to some peeps taking photo of the inmates inside the barricade. for me, it was very in-approriate to do that. anyhow, the mission is so great. an inmate named - weng - uttered:

God called me to enjoy suffering!

what a wonderful statement from a person who has suffered and is suffering.

we ended the day with a eucharist then off to tubabao cove. still, no electric fan. got no choice...

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national youth pilgrimage leyte/samar v.01

we're excited. yes. around midnight, we arrived NAIA Terminal 3 for our 4 AM flight. it's too early but this is what Kuya Bobby and Ate Evelyn preferred. taking a nap is no longer an option. we went up to grab some coffee and had little chat. afterwards, it's time to stand still until the check in counter opens. we had a little problem as we check in. everyone is pissed off...reason? i better move on. lol!

after 30 long minutes in the check in counter, we're able to get inside and waited a couple of more hours. we saw susan and rollie cheng. i am happy, i found myself sitting beside my girlfriend. of course, i asked someone else to swap with my sit. lol!

while inside the plane going to tacloban.

getting to tacloban is just an hour flight. we found out that our group will be joining the youth of mary the queen. wala pa man sa bus, i feel that my nose is already bleeding. the bus is small. i should say that. it's very small. some are just half butt seated. i am beside flor so i have no problem. lol! dan and albert is in an air-conditioned van.

after almost 5 hours of gruesome road travel, we reached the parish of immaculate conception in guiuan, eastern samar. the people are very warm! they are waving our hands to welcome us. a little introduction was done and we're off to division process. lol! we were assigned in the rest house of the mayor. we're totally elated when we heard about this. it's an honor to be lodging inside the mayor's rest house. we need to ride a pump boat to get there, though.

anyways, we had our lunch in cafe verde. the food is good, i love it! st. anthony cathedral is our next stop. the church is under construction and no one gave an introduction to it so i guess, there's nothing much to see. calico-an beach is next. it's their surfing capital. the place is an ace! the water is so clean and air is so fresh. flor is not in the mood for picture taking, i should say that. lol! i don't know why. it's probably the weather. it's so hot out there so i would not blame her. i just shut up.

@ calico-an beach.

flor and i.

we reached the parish around 5 pm. we had popular mission and 2 by 2. this encounter is very awesome. flor and i decided to go together. we talked to a couple and had a great chat with them. it's as if we were talking to ourselves. things that we should have done and ought to do. i saw flor crying and when we cut the bible, it was awesome. it's about sex and marriage.

dinner is at mayor's rest house. i love the sweet and sour lapu lapu. our designated place to sleep was at the attic. the place is small and very hot to sleep with. dan had a hard time. but, it's still part of the pilgrimage. we're just getting started.

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April 28, 2012

8th year

i can't believe it! spending eight long years in my company. as in, wow. let me spell it backwards, wow.

until now, i can't believe that i have stayed in my company for long. i still remember the first time i enter GT tower as an ASE. i was so naive. lol! i even cried because i couldn't pass on one deliverable during COBOL training.

the entire 8 years is not all fun. its full of up's and down's. a roller coaster ride. but you know why i stayed?

...i have the freedom of time. i can get out of the office early during Tues. its my church day. meeting with God is always on top of my priorities. i do not care what my supervisor say just as long as i have my Tues. in one of my assessment, my former lead say...

Edward should learn that OT request is always a business need and he should be careful on declining such request around the team because it doesn't create a positive environment and most of the time people tend to act the same way.

instead of feeling bad, i felt so happy because he it only shows that i really value my Tues.

...i learned how to run in a marathon not in a sprint. one of the greatest thing that i have learned from my company is to wait for the best timing. people might be one level higher than i am but people can see that i am more skilled than he or she is. reason is that i value each day in my stay.

...professionalism is sometimes synonymous to being plastic. its a bad thing but the way to the corporate ladder is full of stupid and annoying people. you just have to deal with them or else you'll loose your way.  its not that i am enjoying it but i am very spontaneous. so i need to sometimes control myself.

life is awesome and i am looking forward to a better and new one.

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April 27, 2012

thankful for something

dear god -

sometimes, i feel bad whenever i get treatment that i think i don't deserve. you know how volatile am i with in terms of showing how i feel. you know how much i always loathe for attention. you know how expressive am i with how i think and ought to do.

despite everything, you have given me something. something that i think don't deserve. anyhow, thank you. i know this something will make me a better person. thank you very much. neo catechumenal way helped me a lot in understanding these things. thank you to the way, thank you to my community. thank God.

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April 23, 2012


even from the start, i knew that it is going to end that way. people vs. alien themed movies are like that. nothing new. alien movies such as this links highly technical and more powerful aliens to a basic living thing on earth - this time, it is lizard. 

anyways, what's so amazing with this movie is that it also tackles the "forgotten" heroes of world wars 2. i love it! lol! in general, the stunts and effects are quite good. i was entertained by the movie. 

i'll this a 6.15.

this is from here.

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easter vigil with my family

my easter vigil celebration this year is perfect! i was able to complete my 40D/N promise and was able to do my fasting this year. other than that, the night is so special because my family is there tonight.

ruthie's wedding will be on may, so this is one of the last pictures of us as a family. so nice, right? 

i know if dad will be here, he's going to be very happy. praise God for this night! God has risen!

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April 18, 2012

dad's 13th year

it was my dad's 13th year death anniversary last april 5 - maundy thursday. and to tell you honestly, it still breaks my heart every time i remember him. my relationship with dad is not ideal. this can be attributed to what i call as "ideal" person.

i grew up as an ordinary kid who sees his dad to be the best person in the world. unfortunately, it ended up with a simple mistake of infidelity. despite everything, it challenged me to become a better person. "i am not my father's second chance", atty. mell sta. maria said in "Relasyon". i think he got it from someone  else but it struck so much. my dad's infidelity issue made me very cautious with my words and what i project to other people. hhaayy...

God moves in a very mysterious way. he used my dad's death for me to find myself in a road what people call as "less travelled". the neo-catechumenal way made me realize that i should embrace my history. embracing that part of my life with dad is so hard but have dealt with it.

and as we think of his 13th year, i still miss him. it is my choice to be like him. i love him.

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under on my birthday...

my birthday falls on holy friday. given this, i cannot celebrate it with party hats, cakes and merry making people. we celebrated it in marian hall with ice cream from dan eric's. lol! we were cleaning marian hall and celebrated lunch my neo-catechumenal community - our last lunch before fasting.

anyways, before we part our ways, she gave me something. when i saw it, my heart leapt for joy! i love the color, the size fits me and her smile made my birthday so extraordinary. i love it! super love it! she really knows what i want. i lover her so.

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the witness

this movie is a Filipino/Indonesian collaboration. the concept is good and the plot is enough for people to think of a good conclusion. however, i think gwen should still attend to some acting classes to improve her skill. her "sigaw" skill is not that good which makes her lousy. 

this image is from here.

to think that this is an international movie, GMA should have sent someone better than gwen. i think this girl has a good future but she's too young (as an actress) for the project. she is beautiful, yes. but it does not equate to acting skill. story has some loopholes as well. like - to put down the super villain, you need close range hit from shotgun and a samurai. 

the movie deserves a 4.0. 

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kung andito ka lang sa tabi ko

madalas, kahit anong pilit mong mag-pakatino ay di mo magawa. dumadating ang pag-kakataon na napupuno ka rin ng damdamin na di mo nais. mga isipan na di mo gusto. mga haka-hakang di mo kailan man naisip.

masakit ang mag-mahal, lalo pa't ang dugo ng taong minamahal mo ay tulad ng dugo na nananalaytay sa iyo. kapatid ko siya sa ama, ngunit wari ko'y nababastos na ang pagkatao ko. binababa ko na nang husto ang isipan at puso ko.

kinakausap ko ang tatay ko sa isip ko. minsan sinabi ko ang ganito, kung andito ka lang sa tabi ko. maintindihan mo din ako...

mahirap mag-desisyon na talikuran mo sya. kasi nga di ko magawang magalit sa kanya. naiinis ako sa sarili ko dahil sa kahit anong pag-papanggap ko ay di ko makuhang mapoot sa kanya.

hhaayy, kung mababasa mo itong blog post na ito. sana ay matauhan ka na. bahala na si God sa iyo.

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April 14, 2012

family betrayal

i love burn notice. the turn of events are overwhelming. from killing, bombing, you'll get some worthy words. it's a kind of show that i would love to watch, action, drama and some jaw dropping stunts.

in one episode, jessie found out that it was mikey who burned him. madelaine, being so close to both guys told both of them that...

you know what families do when people lie and betray each other? they suck it up and they move on. - madelaine...

and it is true. if you are family, you just have to accept people. you don't judge people for who she is but you just have to accept his ways. family is a family. people may leave you behind but family is always there to support you.

i love my family. i love my "neo-catechumenal" family. i love my girlfriend whom i think will be my future wife to start a new family...

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posters again?

you can feel that election is coming when you see some people (both private citizens and public officials) talking gentle reminder trash in the streets. their reminders may look good but they use holy week and graduation to do their early campaigns. 

wow! it's just april and here we are talking about politics. let's talk about two of these posters...

semana santa. people in media describes it as human exodus (where the hell that came from? exodus? do they know what exodus mean?). anyways, it's a term used to describe humongous number of people  going somewhere else to spend a long weekend.

in the picture is brgy. captain of bacoor - Ramon "Jolo" Revilla III. he was just appointed as board member because he became the president of the association of brgy. capt. in the whole province. so, what is a picture of a brgy. capt. in bacoor doing in a street of tanza? well, he's just reminding people to have a safe travel during the peak travel season.

is this needed? is it beneficial to all concern? lol! true example of what i call as a scrap. he should have spent his money to a charitable institution. holy week is season of alms giving, anyways. so, where is the reminder of our beloved vice governor? is it true that jolo revilla is planning to run for vice governor next year? lol! well, no comment so far. i have no issues with his intention, but i hope it is a clean one. early politicking is really a big "no, no" for me.

graduation day. graduation day is really special to students who have shown dedication in their studies. after years, here they are adding the rosters of non-employed people of our country. lol! well, that's a different issue. here's the real issue, who is Arch. Boyblue Aguinaldo-Abaya? i know some peeps felt so-"kilig" every time he attends graduation in behalf of his brother - incumbent congressman jun abaya. so, what is this poster for?

it's my first time to see his picture in posters like this. is this really needed? can someone else tell me what's the superlative form of scrap? is it "scrapiest"? what's will happen to the graduates of rosario, cavite with/without the picture of this guy along gen. trias drive? is it true that he'll be running for congressman next year to replace his brother?

politics today is "sover". if you don't have money to pay for these posters, you will not win. if you're not with influential people like abaya's and revilla's, you won't have the guts to run. if you don't have good looks, you won't have the courage to pose to get their pictures taken. 

this is a wake up call for every filipinos. let us wisely pick people to serve us. i am not saying not to vote these people. my thoughts are simple, vote for people who has political will

...to change the face of rosario...to revolutionize cavite...to change the filipinos within us.

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